hello! welcome to my awesome and cool and also awesome website. right now it's really just a place for me to put my art somewhere and track my progress, but there will probably be more here soon maybe possibly!
1/15/2025: tail
i noticed that dave hasn't had his tail in the last two drawings so i made sure he could have one this time. i also made him furrier (hopefully there isn't too much fur now) but now his beanie is gone (i wanted to draw fur on his head, he'll still wear it probably). this is the first drawing in here that i made in one sitting, which is very cool though i should have definitely gone to sleep much earlier. also i started drawing on the wrong layers midway through (sleep deprivation catching up to me? never)
also also he has thumbs now!! -
1/12/2025: stupid worm
here's dave again! i made his outline darker cause it started to look "papery" (?) still made a splotch for the background, this time vaguely bench-shaped ! maybe soon i will make an actual background but for now the pen size goes ^^^ and the creativity goes vvv -
1/2/2025: dave
this is my webfishing character—his full name is dave webster fisher (creative mastermind) also this marks the start of my furry arc